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Protect What Matters: Advocacy Tactics

Actions you can take right now:

Don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be an Oscar-winning moment. Just be clear on why YOU support transit.



  • Tell your own story.

    • share important transit news and updates on social media– be sure to note why you support transit and transit investments and #Transitisessential #FundTransit.

    • Note, many elected officials are very active on social media like Twitter. Local council members tend to be very responsive.



  • Host a neighborhood meeting to discuss transit and transportation concerns.

    • Invite a community organization like the Transit Alliance or other community organizations to attend. These organizations can offer support, speak to guests about what’s happening currently, and even answer questions.

    • Get participants to sign a letter supporting transit funding and/or send a letter to their councilmember and other elected representatives.


  • Submit an op-ed for the local newspaper. Explain the importance of the transit system from your perspective or give ideas on ways to improve existing services and why.

    • Bonus: if it’s published, share it with other elected officials: your council members, mayor, state legislators, and member of Congress (house and senate).


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