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Transit Alliance



Traffic Costs Tennessee Cities More than $1.1 Billion Annually


Traffic congestion in Tennessee’s four largest cities ranks in the worst half of the nation and costs Tennessee more than $1.1 billion annually, according to a new report gathered by nonpartisan think tank ThinkTennessee. 


Using data from the INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard, ThinkTennessee found that Nashville drivers spend nearly a full work week (33.6 hours) sitting in traffic and lose an average of $1,308 each year to traffic-related costs. In Memphis, drivers lose almost 22 hours and $872. Traffic costs Chattanooga drivers more than 18 hours and $749. 


The cost of sitting in traffic isn’t limited to drivers themselves, though: the city of Nashville (23rd worst) loses an estimated $517 million per year due to factors such as lost time, additional fuel, and higher prices on goods and services. Memphis (55th worst) loses $341 million annually. Congestion in Chattanooga (70th worst) and Knoxville (115th worst) annually costs the cities $115 million and $143 million, respectively. 

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