Going into the Holiday Season feeling really Thankful this year!
We just wrapped our 17th Transit Citizen Leadership Academy (TCLA). We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our communities, celebrate new connections, and hear new perspectives. Congratulations TCLA cohort 17! See some of the newest TCLA Alumni below:

Each Academy we get closer to meeting our mission: to build support for regional multimodal transit with dedicated funding.
How does TCLA help build support for multimodal transit? TCLA is all about the facts: how projects get funding, best practices in land use/zoning and how it correlates to transit, who uses/needs transit, how does transit affect our health, environment, quality of life, what problems will autonomous vehicles address and what challenges might they create?
There are so many perspectives to consider when thinking about transit and transportation. That’s why the TCLA takes 30-hours over six weeks to complete.
That’s ok because it is totally worth it. Participants get a thorough education and understanding of the complexity of one of our region’s most pressing issues. We get a deeper understanding of the communities we are serving. All of us get new friends (see TCLA Alumni Social photos below):

Thank you to all who participated in the Transit Citizen Leadership Academy through 2019.

February-March 2019

April-May 2019

October-November 2019
Thank you to the partners and sponsors who make TCLA possible! Special thanks to Bank of Tennessee and The Studio 208, sponsors of the TCLA Alumni Social.
We look forward to meeting new friends in 2020!